This device is designed to connect to a specific system via RS232 and then receive or transmit a few kilobytes of settings, to or from the MCU flash. This allows you to clone the settings and reproduce the setup on another system easily. It appears as a serial USB CDC device when connected to the mini-USB port which then emulates the behaviour of being connected to the system via RS232.
The parts, footprints, physical construction and materials were chosen to minimise costs – it was built to be cheap and as minimal as possible!
An additional piece of board was routed out to frame the USB connector and support the strain relief for the cable. It locks in through slots in the main PCB and top perspex.
The top cover has been laser cut / engraved from frosted perspex. The buttons come almost flush with the surface.
Although this isn’t good practice, the PCB is threaded directly (normally you would use PEM ReelFast spacers) with the overlap of each screw acting as mini-feet. There’s a few mm clearance around each hole to the nearest active trace.
The whole design is routed on a two layer PCB with almost the entire underside being a ground plane.
Three LED’s sit between the buttons – red, green and amber to indicate the state.
The BQ24450 is a shunt regulated design based integrated charge controller for lead acid batteries. To calculate the correct / nearest values for each application can take a bit of time. Here is a quick calculator I put together a couple of years ago.
This beautiful piece of design from Bang & Olufsen is now 36+ years old. Some features include touch sensitive controls (pioneered on the Beomaster 1900 a year earlier), an ultrasonic remote control and 5 preset FM stations.
As with most electronic equipment, electrolytic capacitors are common points of failure. A summary of why this can happen is explained here (Aluminum electrolytic capacitor failure). Replacing these and the bridge rectifiers, also known to be a problem point, will significantly extend its useful life.
It’s quite a complicated assembly, mainly due to its compact design.
The replacements are all smaller than their 70’s counterparts and long-life versions have been chosen where possible. The rectifiers have been swapped for uprated versions.
A colleague asked about virtualising a touch screen DOS application, designed for use with a microtouch touch screen interfacing over RS232. The familiar story of the monitor / old PC hardware dying and replacing it seemed a shorter term solution to a problem that could be solved with virtualisation or emulation. Note: This software no longer has any external hardware connected.
The proposal:
Virtualise or emulate the application within the windows environment.
Link the application to a serial port on the host system (virtual or real)
Write a touch screen emulator to simulate presses using mouse clicks within the application window.
VirtualBox and VMWare Workstation are two virtualisation solutions that support mapping host serial ports to virtual ports. After attempting to use both of these, the timing critical nature of this specific DOS application upon startup didn’t like [my suspected] lag of the virtualised ports. Running it again in DOSBox, a x86 emulator, resolved this issue. Virtual Serial Port Emulator is a tool to create virtual ports that can act as a connector between programs. This maps the serial streams from the touchscreen emulator to the serial port DOSBox is looking for in this case (how-to configure DOSBox serial ports).
Finally, the touch screen emulation is written in Python as a quick and simple way to test it out. PyHook is used to capture mouse clicks and mouse position, while PySerial is used for all serial communication. This program will firstly respond to a handful of serial commands that are required upon loading the system in DOSBox. Once in, it will ask you to calibrate the emulated touch screen by clicking the top left and bottom right of the application window. It will only action on clicks in the specified window, in this case, DOSBox. Each click within this area will be mapped across the standard 10 bit vertical and horizontal touch screen space and sent to the serial port specified.
# Microtouch emulator
# Copyright (C) 2014 Oliver S
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import serial
import pyHook
import pythoncom
left_click = 0
# check that value passed is within specified range
def set_limits(n, minn, maxn):
if n < minn:
return minn
elif n > maxn:
return maxn
return n
# on each mouse click
def OnMouseEvent(event):
# record current mouse position
x,y = event.Position
global left_click,tlp_x,tlp_y,brp_x,brp_y # tlp = top left position, brp = bottom right position
# check to see if we're clicking in the dosbox window
if event.WindowName and "DOSBox" in event.WindowName:
left_click += 1
if (left_click == 1):
print "Please click top left of desired window"
elif (left_click == 2): # if second click store top left position
print "Please click bottom right of desired window"
tlp_x = x
tlp_y = y
elif (left_click == 3): # if third click then store bottom right position
brp_x = x
brp_y = y
print "Finished - Window size:", (brp_x-tlp_x), (brp_y-tlp_y)
# if calibration is complete
if left_click > 3:
# now calculate the position
# the full range of the 3M microtouch range in hexadecimal mode is 000 - 3FF
# use the full range (0 - 1023)
screen_x = int ((1023.0 / (brp_x - tlp_x)) * (x - tlp_x))
screen_y = int (((1023.0 / (brp_y - tlp_y)) * ((brp_y - tlp_y)-(y - tlp_y))))
# set upper and lower limits on values if outside of defined area
screen_x = set_limits(screen_x,0,1023)
screen_y = set_limits(screen_y,0,1023)
print "Sending (",screen_x,",",screen_y, ") Hex: (\x01"+format(screen_x, '03X')+","+format(screen_y, '03X')+"\x0d) "
ser.write("\x01"+format(screen_x, '03X')+","+format(screen_y, '03X')+"\x0d") # write a string
print "Clicked outside DOSBox;"
# return True to pass the event to other handlers
# return False to stop the event from propagating
return True
if __name__ == '__main__':
# attempt to open serial port with parameters as specified
ser = serial.Serial(
if ser.isOpen():
# mouse stuff
hm = pyHook.HookManager() # create the hook mananger
hm.MouseAllButtonsDown = OnMouseEvent # register two callbacks
hm.HookMouse() # hook into the mouse and keyboard events
# serial stuff
ser.flushInput() # flush input buffer
ser.flushOutput() # flush output buffer
while True:
# read any new lines
response = ser.readline() # this is non-blocking, provided that timeout is set to 0
# if there is a new line
if response:
print (response)
if "R" in response:
print "Reset Command"
elif "MS" in response:
print "Mode Stream"
elif "FH" in response:
print "Format Hex"
elif "MP" in response:
print "Mode Point"
elif "CI" in response:
print "Calibrate Interactive"
except serial.SerialException as e:
print("Failed to open Serial Port: {}".format(e))
Please note that this has been tailored to the application that I’m running – but can be easily tweaked / amended as necessary using the microtouch reference guide. The shell output:
The DOS application running – with some numbers entered through the emulator using a mouse.
There is an annoying tendency of the BBC News site to have numerous ancient stories in their ‘Popular’ sidebar. It was a good excuse to try out Python and collect a bit more information on when this occurs.
This Python script follows the following process:
Visit the BBC News homepage and scrape the ‘Most Popular’ sidebar.
Visit the URL of each story.
Collect the published date (from the meta data and front end)
Calculate the difference between present date / time and the published date.
Store the data as a CSV file.
Repeat the whole process every n minutes or seconds.
# BBC News scraper
# Copyright (C) 2014 Oliver S
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import time
import requests
import re
import csv
from prettytable import PrettyTable
from datetime import datetime
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def scrape_bbc_popular_stories():
""" Scrape all of the shared and popular stories from BBC homepage and record published date """
# request BBC news homepage
response = requests.get("")
# parse HTML using Beautiful Soup
# returns a `soup` object
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content)
# find all the posts in the page.
# find each list element belonging to class ol[number]
most_popular=soup.find_all('li',{'class': re.compile('ol[0-9]')})
#article group is 0 = shared 1 = most read 2 = audio / video
#story number is the number assigned to the article (the number next to the title)
article_group = 0
last_story_number = 0
# set up prettytable for nice printout
x = PrettyTable(["Days Old", "Group Name", "Story Number", "Story Title", "URL", "Present D/T", "Original Pub Date", "Orig Pub Date (front)"])
x.align["URL"] = "l" # Left align URL
x.align["Story Title"] = "l" # Left align story title
for each_story in most_popular:
# store the URL of each story
link = each_story.find('a').attrs['href']
print link
# get the story title
story_title = each_story.find('a').text
story_title = re.sub(r'^\W*\w+\W*', '', story_title)
# get the story number (thats listed next to the article)
story_number = each_story.span.text
story_number = re.sub(':\s*',"",story_number)
# work out which group it belongs to
if (abs(last_story_number-int(story_number)) >= 4) :
article_group += 1
last_story_number = int(story_number)
if (article_group == 0) :
article_group_name = "Most Shared"
elif (article_group == 1) :
article_group_name = "Most Read"
else :
article_group_name = "Audio / Video"
# if its an audio / video story that uses javascript to generate the time relations, ignore
if article_group != 2:
# retrieve the missed connection with requests
response = requests.get(link)
# Parse the html of the missed connection post
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content)
# get the original publication date from the meta tags
orig_pub_date_meta = soup.find(attrs={"name":"OriginalPublicationDate"})['content']
# get the original publication date from the front end (new BBC site)
orig_pub_date_front = soup.find('span',{'class':'story-date'}).text
orig_pub_date_front = datetime.strptime(orig_pub_date_front, "\n%d %B %Y\nLast updated at %H:%M\n")
except AttributeError:
print "Old site - set front date to meta date"
orig_pub_date_front = orig_pub_date_meta
# calculate the difference between original publishing date and time of checking
orig_pub_date_meta = datetime.strptime(orig_pub_date_meta, "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")
days_difference = abs((
#"Days Old", "Group Name", "Story Number", "Story Title", "URL", "Present D/T", "Original Pub Date", "Orig Pub Date (front)"
x.add_row([days_difference,article_group_name,story_number,story_title,link,'%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'),orig_pub_date_meta.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'),orig_pub_date_front])
#"Check TS", "Panel", "Title", "URL", "Pub Date Meta", "Pub Date Front"
f.writerow([days_difference,article_group_name.encode('ascii','ignore'),story_number.encode('ascii','ignore'),story_title.encode('ascii','ignore'),link,'%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'),orig_pub_date_meta.strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'),orig_pub_date_front])
# print the nicely formatted table that PrettyTable generated, once all stories collected
print x
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: # This is the correct syntax
print e
if __name__ == '__main__':
f = csv.writer(open("bbc_popular_stories.csv", "wb"))
f.writerow(["Days Old", "Group Name", "Story Number", "Story Title", "URL", "Present D/T", "Original Pub Date", "Orig Pub Date (front)"]) # Write column headers as the first line
while True:
print "Waiting for 5 minutes...."
and some of the ‘old’ results collected over a 3 hour period can be seen in this spreadsheet . Out of 46 news stories listed under popular stories during this period, 21 were over 67 days old!